Install boardme

Learn how to install boardme.


This article helps you install boardme into your website or application.

If you are not technical or you need a refresher on importing scripts you came to the right place. There is no need to worry, all it takes to install boardme is a single line of code.

Getting the Script

To install boardme we first need to have the project script available to us.

You can get the script through email if your colleague used the Email script to the developer feature, or you can copy it from the boardme graphical user interface.

Getting the Script from the Projects Page

You can go to the Projects page to see a list of thumbnails of all your projects in your workspace.

On the thumbnail, you can press the ... button on the lower-left corner and click on </> Copy script button. This will copy the project script to your clipboard!

Getting the Script from the Flows Page

You can click on a project thumbnail to access the Flows page.

In the top-left corner on the header, you can press the </> Install boardme button followed by the Copy Script button to copy the script to your clipboard!

Installing the Script into Your Website

boardme works with any website or application that uses web technologies.

This means that boardme should be installed into the <head> tag of your website.

The next step requires you to have a boardme script to install. You can see an example of the boardme script format below, and if you don't have it, please refer to the Getting the Script section above.

Your boardme script should look like this:

<script type="text/javascript" defer src=""></script>

Once you have the boardme script at hand, you have to identify the place where it should be placed within your HTML document.

Here is a simplified version of an HTML document.


    <title>My awesome website.</title>
    <!-- boardme script goes here!! -->


You should place the boardme script inside your <head> tag on your website, ideally on the first line, but it is not a requirement for it to run.

It is as simple as that! Congratulations on installing boardme! 🎉 🙌

Once you have boardme installed, all your Published flows will run on your website, and you will also have access to the boardme API.

Last updated