
Learn everything about the boardme Listeners


boardme allows you programmatic access over your onboarding layer. The API calls help you gain fine-grained control over your user onboarding process.

To use the API you need to have boardme installed into your website or application!

If you are using the API within your JavaScript codebase, make sure boardme is imported before your application code!

In your application code, you can find boardme on the window object. It is in the global scope.

// To store it you could do:
const boardme = window.boardme;

// To use it within TypeScript projects could could do:
declare const boardme: any;

// It is a good idea to play it safe when importing external packages.
// A quick check before using the API is good practice!
boardme && boardme.apiCall();

NPM package is available for improved development experience. Check it out here.

Using the NPM Package

You can add boardme to your project by executing the command below in your terminal.

npm install boardme --save

Once installed, you can import it into your JavaScript or TypeScript code base and start using the API. The autocomplete should help you find the methods you are looking for.

If you are using the boardme API through the installed package, all your calls will be handled gracefully and you don't have to worry about a script import error crashing your application.


This function notifies you when boardme has finished loading and is ready to accept calls. Very similar to the document load listener used in web development.


  • callback- A function to be executed when boardme finished loading. This function can contain your boardme API calls for example.


import * as boardme from "boardme";

boardme.onLoad(() => {
    const flowIdentifier = "aa5d7d44-132e7-4029-8b1a-e44ff75701eg";

    boardme.renderFlow( flowIdentifier );

Last updated