
Learn everything about boardme Users.


boardme allows you to propagate your Users and track their onboarding process.

You are free to choose the amount of User Data you send to boardme. The only mandatory property for tracking users is a unique user id.

Setting Up User Tracking

Setting up User Tracking requires you to have boardme installed in the <head> section of your website or application.

If you have boardme installed, you can send User Data to boardme by inserting an additional code snippet above the line where boardme is imported.

This code snippet contains a JavaScript object with the boardmeSettings title and the userId property.

The most minimal form of the code snippet looks like this:

    window.boardmeSettings = { userId: "<UNIQUE_USER_ID>" };

You can choose to propagate the unique identifiers of your users from your database or generate new identifiers specifically for user onboarding, but make sure to set them to the userId property.

boardme doesn't care about the format of your identifiers as long as they are unique for each user in your system and they are no more than 250 characters long.

Setting up User Tracking allows you to enable the only show once per user feature of Flows.

The unique user identifier needs to be set to the userId property on the boardmeSettings object.

Sending User Data

Sending User Data comes in handy when you want to configure intricate filters for your onboarding flows. For example, you only want to show a Flow to users that have a pro account and registered less than 3 months ago.

This would be a very specific Flow Trigger condition, so boardme will need to know the type of account they have and when they registered.

Not to worry though, boardme allows for sending this data just as easily as User Tracking is enabled. In fact, it's the exact same json format and you can choose how much data you want to share.

A minimal code snippet to fit our condition would look like this:

    window.boardmeSettings = {
        userId: "<UNIQUE_USER_ID>",
        accountType: "Pro",
        registeredDate: "2020-07-23T14:06:17.136Z"

With the same format, any number of properties and values can be appended to the boardmeSettings object.

Last updated