Acceptable Use Policy
boardme is a novel technology, so it's most helpful to describe "acceptable use" in terms of general guidance. We will be updating this document on an ongoing basis to make things more refined.
Continued access to boardme requires your ongoing compliance with this Acceptable Use Policy, as referenced in our Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions even as it evolves.
Our Philosophy
At boardme, we're dedicated to helping you achieve your business goals by understanding and guiding your users to find value within your website. Essentially we're helping you help them.
When a user visits your website you want to make sure they find the value they came for in the least amount of time. Sometimes all it takes is a little nudge to help them get on the right track and avoid frustration or confusion from their part.
At the same time, not all users came with a clear goal in mind, or, you might have released new features that you would like to shed some light on. We've got you covered on all fronts so that you can provide the best possible experience to your users and grow your platform.
We also consider Data Protection and Privacy to be of supreme importance.
From the very first day, boardme was designed and built with privacy in mind. Our goal is to help our customers improve their platforms and create better user experiences while keeping privacy at the core of our software.
We offer the power to understand and guide your users to value, but we insist you follow our lead and use those powers for the benefit of society.
Acceptable Use
Below are the guidelines on how to use boardme properly to improve your platform while respecting your user's privacy and intent.
Information gathered using boardme cannot be provided to third parties to assemble exchange or sell customer profiles. Use boardme to make your website better for your users, and never mine user data to monetize it.
Although boardme does not make available to you any data that isn't already accessible to your code in the context of your website, it does make it much easier to visualize that data. So always make sure you're only including data that's appropriate and necessary for improving the experience of your users.
Do not use any information in any way that is inconsistent with a user's intent. For example, if a user begins to fill in an email field but then does not submit it, emailing the user would not be consistent with her or his intent.
boardme may be used on platforms where you have direct ownership or demonstrable consent from the platform owner. You must never use boardme in any way that would allow you to run boardme on a third-party platform. For example, using a browser extension, or any other means, to add boardme to a third party website is NOT acceptable.
Do not, under any circumstance, use boardme on a site whose intent is to do anything illegal or to promote hatred, bigotry, racism, or violence.
To sum it all up, just be a decent member of society, respect other's privacy and we are more than eager to work with you!
Last updated